To live my life as it's meant to be

Word Count → 3+ :: table © sie

She had returned to the Chien Hotel a while ago now, at the reassurance of the King that her role as pack Apothecary still stood, regardless of the three young lives she now supported. Thankfully, there had been little in way of crisis since the snowstorm, and not many packmembers had required her services as healer. This had left the woman with plenty of time to care for her pups, who by now were nearing the one-month benchmark, and had begun to develop their own little personalities.

Sometimes, she senses that her pups were not healthy - in mind, rather than body, for each was fed as if they were King Vigilante himself. No, it was something about the blood in them, about the way their little mentalities had begun to work, that sometimes made Alaine uneasy. That, and she was constantly aware that other pack members may not approve of their father. She had begged Vigilante to secrecy on this matter, for the desperate mother did not want her bastard children to be labelled unfairly.

For the time being, as she was not required, Alaine lurked about the Chien Hotel. Her two blood-children were sleeping, but the daughter she had adopted was constantly at her side, seemingly terrified that Alaine would desert her if she left her vision for but a moment. The Apothecary did not blame Odette, for undoubtedly that was what her real mother had done. As such, she let the almost two-month-old pup trail behind her constantly, amused and adoring of the girl's affectionate nature.

It was on one such day that, having headed down the stairs and into the main room where a fire offered delightful warmth to any weary wayfarers that chose to settle in the deep armchairs or on the warmed floor, Alaine was met by an unexpected but familiar face. "Haven?" A slow smile spread about the exotic woman's maw, as her accented voice rose again, "Oh, Haven, how good it is to see you!" She stepped closer to the crackling fire and moved to sit across from the handsome orange male, her ivory foster-daughter following shyly and hiding behind her mother's Optime frame.

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