Argul Seeking Shawchert...
Spotting who he believed was Shawchert, he stopped off in the distance and silently watched, for a bit. He was watching at an angle from a side of a building so he could not be detected unless Shawchert suddenly decided to stand up and scout the entire area, and even then Argul would have time to retreat. He was taking in mental note after mental note, judging his strength, stamina, memorizing his looks, everything he could get in a short amount of time. After storing it away as a mental note, he began to approach. He made no secret of his approach but he also made no loud attentive approach. Once within a comfortable speaking distance, he slowed his pace and eventually stopped, not wanting to crowd a laboring wolf.

“Might you be Shawchert Menue? I would have a word with you, if that pleases you?” He motioned to the work Shaw was doing. He was polite and showed he would return if Shaw found himself too busy with the repairs. He was busy scanning the place, noting Shaw's home and the repairs needed on it.

He did not seem nervous, but was rather nonchalant the entire time. Politeness and respect almost seemed to ooze out of him. He approached Shawchert almost as if Shaw were a king. His mind, though, was keen and alert to details. Not only was he taking mental notes, he was judging Shaw's moves, and his tones when he spoke.

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