ten years today

Motherhood looked good on the girl. Each and every day the black female had been glowing, beaming, at the four wonderful things she had created. Shaeniire had watched her four little angels grow up, and even now she could see their emerging differing personalities. Satin and Ophelia, her two little girls, Thanos and Chael her two growing boys… the children could make her heart burst any given moment. Fatin was off for now, and it was her responsibility to take care of them. Shae thought for a moment of the three children she had abandoned so long ago, but didn’t let it ruin her mood. What was in the past now was in the past and there was nothing she could do about it. She had a responsibility to these four now and Shae was never going to forget that. Fatin and Shae were going to be the best mothers in the world.

Thanos, Ophelia, and Satin were still by their home enjoying a nap in the sun, and so as they slept Shaeniire got up to look for Chael. Oh Chael, he seemed to always be off doing something. The little boy was going to be handful for sure, and for a second she wondered if the boy’s father was to blame. Shae and Salvaged Eternity were pretty much polar opposites in personality and wondered if perhaps her son got some more of Salvaged than was probably healthy. Shae never understood what Fatin saw in that man, he always made her uneasy. Either way, Shae shook yet another thought out of her head as she got up from her watch over her children and headed into the forest to look for Chael.

Before too long, the dark lady saw her son under a bush a ways away from the den. Smiling, she instantly crouched, lowering her body to avoid being seen. Luckily Chael was faced in the opposite direction to her, so she slinked over to where her darling boy lay, before making a charge, letting out a high-pitched “BOO!” The girl instantly collapsed into a fit of child-like laughter, beaming at her son even though she knew he’d probably be annoyed that she scared him.


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