Argul Seeking Shawchert...
Out of Character

WC: 262 OOC: He’ll be better once he tells Shaw he was invited >.>; he’s a bit territorial heh

In Character

Shawchert was in deep thought so Argul didn’t even have to hide on him to not be noticed. His work was his whole being at that moment, ever nail that went into place, every move Shaw made to put the wood in place was like a little dance, so when he heard the other male speak he started a little, but he made sure to show little of it. Shaw was mid hammer when the man spoke and he looked at the loner, seeing the way the man moved, he was acting accordingly, though…

Who are you and why are you past the borders?

He had not had a chance to speak with Orin, so he thought the man was another intruder… one who’d stayed far too long in his lands. He rose to his full height, but kept his hammer in his hands, gripping it, but not over doing it. His expression was of one disappointed, but the anger he felt bubbling inside him was kept cool. He would give this man a chance to explain himself before Shaw chased him out. He didn’t have to say anything more at the moment for that’s all he needed to say. He was curious as to know how the man knew his name though, which helped abate the huge man’s anger but only a little. Was this man sent here by someone? If so why didn’t he stay by the borders and just call? This was beginning to seem like a day he was sure would possibly end very good or very bad…

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Table by Shannon B


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