heaven's light

Ehrm. Sorry 'bout the length on this one. Angsty.

Her eyes fell back to the snowy ground. As she expected, there was no answer. Her God, the God of her father and beautiful brother, had forsaken her. No comfort came. She was alone, with only the golden prince she knew as a brother to offer love to his sorrowful russet twin.

A choked sob escaped a tense maw, delicate rust hands raising to cover the creme expanse of her lower face, like blood marring snow. Sharpened claws dug into the flesh; a crimson flash, and her blood spilled onto the ground in bright patterns. It hurt, but it distracted her from the loneliness that had welled up in her chest. Loneliness that infected her thoughts. It changed everything. Never before had her mind turned down the halls that had opened up. Never before had she seen her brother or father in the light that had been placed upon them. The realization that her love had transcended simple birth obligations left her nauseous. Gabriel was easier to overlook, the emotionally neglecting father whom she didn't seek out for audience, but Ezekiel was different. Her brother had turned everything inward. His return had made her world spin on end, any semblance of confidence collapsing inward on itself. With Ezekiel, she needed nothing else.

That wasn't how it was supposed to be. He was supposed to offer stability, to help her heal. Stinging tears welled up against a ruby background at the thought that he had only made things worse. It was too late now, of course. She couldn't let him leave her again, and she couldn't run away from him, not at the risk that he might follow. Inferni was his home, and hers; she had been comfortable within it before, and she knew she would be comfortable within it then, once the confusion surrounding her own emotions cleared. If it cleared. If not, she was sure she'd be doomed to a life of envy as her brother lived what he deserved. Normalcy. The chance to be with his family, and the chance to find lovers and someone he could use to replace her.

Her mortified sobs were silent. Replaced. She didn't want to think of the future, but it dawned on her that they would need to replace her. Some day, sooner than anyone expected. She didn't believe she'd survive the world she hated much longer. And then what? The russet queen would burn with the rest of them, with the horrible spawn that had been sent to Hell to suffer for their sins in life. She was no better than they were, lusting after a brother who deserved better and spending emotion selfishly on her own comfort. A wolf by birth, cursed with the vile sickness born to her Godly father as well. Filth. The silent word struck her like a slap, her clawed fingers falling from her muzzle; more blood trickled forth, staining the creamy fur that separated her lower jaw from the rest of her mouth.

Disoriented, she stood. She couldn't stay there, risking the sudden surprise of her honey prince finding her; no, she had to leave. The coyote stumbled in attempts to find her way back to where she'd come from, or to her own den, and ended up somewhere in between. Subdued hysteria threatened to break through, skin crawling as she worried she'd be found. At a new scent on the air, she knew she would be.

The breeze brought news of another female, no so tainted by the kingdom of her residence that it clung to her. Talitha tried, to no avail, to hide the morbid distress that coated her features. Bloodied hands wiped at drowned eyes, smearing more of the viscous crimson across her features, and her expression fell blank. Of course, it was always her eyes that gave her away. They screamed 'help' to the world she wanted nothing to do with while searching for a new face. Black-rimmed ears swiveled to the sounds of the lands. Words came to her attention, a head turned, and there it was. The stranger she'd been seeking, fastening something about her neck. The russet lady crossed her arms beneath her sickly ribs, gaze focused entirely on the golden coy before her. For a brief moment, she wanted to run, but she knew better.

"Where to start what?" she called, pushing curling auburn locks away from her face.

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