he'll always be another one of us

Sooner or later, Claudius figured he would have to stop laughing. Eventually, his chuckle died down to a lingering smile rife with satisfaction. He was so impressed with himself – he was out here being his own wolf doing what he wanted, not hiding in his den because it was too scary. Even though he was a little embarrassed he had been scared by a crow (a stupid crow!) he still felt better that he had not let it get to him.

As he regained his composure, he began to survey his surroundings, curious to know if any other creatures – crows especially – had seen that silly display. The wind shifted slightly and he caught the scent of another wolf nearby. It didn’t smell like an AniWayan member, but there was a faint odour. Maybe they were new?

Claudius couldn’t see anyone yet, so he hesitantly called out to the empty abyss: “h-h-h-hello?” He took a step closer to where he thought the scent was and called out again. “I-I’m C-C-C-Claudius.” He squinted, but could not see anyone. He didn’t want to sigh, but he did it anyways. He hoped it wasn’t someone like Brennt or Haku stalking around the woods. Knowing that Haku had been wandering around the AniWaya borders – and that he had assaulted Claudius’ mother! – worried Claudius a great deal. He hoped whoever it was, they were friendly.



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