Argul Seeking Shawchert...
The urge to say something witty or defensive was hard to suppress, he had to keep his end goals in mind and remind himself to take some hits on his pride until then. He let a noticeable sigh out at the question, though.

"Well if you beg my pardon. I am new to these territories. I was just traveling when i ran across this place." He made a motion to the town. "I had no intentions of intruding. But Orin of the library sent me to inquire joining the pack. She says you are an artful and creative pack and that with my talents I should make a good fit." He motioned to his leather harness and shoulder pads. "I am a leather crafter."

All the talking was not his style, though he was good at conveying the proper mannerisms and tones, he did not enjoy it one bit. He constantly had to remind himself that this all worked for his own end goals and he must deal with it for now.

He was also very noticeably not intimidated by Shaw's size alone. He made sure to portray that to show Shaw, the leader of the pack, that this wolf would not back down in time of need. All the packs that Argul knew would not accept a weak and feeble wolf. Some would even kill if you were too weak.

But there was another reason he was not intimidated. Argul was no ruffian or good fighter, by most accounts, but he considered those that relied purely on brute strength, size and muscle to actually have a disadvantage in a fight. They relied on something that did not always prove to win a fight. Instead Argul relied on critical thinking, wit and the ability to adapt to situations. He would not show Shaw these thoughts in fear it would irritate him more and provoke a fight and get kicked out of these lands. He had his goals and his mind was set on them, even if it hurt himself to do.

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