Butterfly Kisses
wc 646

Odette did not remember a day of her life before waking up in a cave with two tiny puppies smaller than herself and this golden colliewoman caring for her. There was no direct memories she could relate to any day before. There were phantoms on her mind, ghosts in her dreams she could not explain. Fears that were uncalled for in the eyes of the public. To Odette this was normal. There was nothing else to her but who she was today. The last thing she needed was someone coming in and telling her that she was wrong, that she was not normal. Odette may or may not believe it. Either way the words would sting like acid and work her mind to the core. The last thing the pup needed was a complex. The mind of the white child was already warped enough for her early life to last her a decent part of her childhood.

Everything was calming down now. The little pounding heart under white chest was slowing to a safe, steady beat now. The presence of her mother was enough to calm her. Smelling her and hearing her voice was enough to sooth her to sleep even in the snow. The long fur of her collie fell into her face, soothing... comforting.
Odette found no problem with her leaving the hotel at this very moment because she had found her mother outside. Now if she had not shown up so quickly the pup may have gone into a fit of hysteria and panic. The large dog stood over her like a protective wall of warmth and fur. Her words spoke to her in the language she did not understand yet. She could not remember what she meant. Odette was not proud of herself for this. Her words then caused her to cringe in apology. "...I'm sorry mama. I was looking for you....I.... I didn't mean to not listen. Please don't be mad." She did not want to worry her mother. Her tiny heart pained when she heard she had upset her ever gracious mother. It was not her goal to worry her at all. The dog hybrid grabbed the red blanket in her mouth on command and was expecting to simply walk with it. No, that was not the plan.

The scruff of her neck was tugged on and Odette felt her body go limp. Her legs dangled with no struggle and her loose skin stretched and bunched in every place atop her body. She said nothing. Odette would not object. She was carried inside and released upon the familiar floor to fall slightly off balance on her feet before taking a few steps back to her mother's stomach. Crouching under her for a silent moment the pup looked around. It was barely a minute before she slowly removed herself from her mother's underbelly. Crawling was near the word to use to describe her movements. Odette wanted to hide under her table again. She however would not. Her mother was home, she wanted to bask in her presence like she was god on earth.

Light claws clinked on wood as she sat her small rump to the floor to watch Alaine move wood from satchel to fireplace. Odette still did not fully understand why her mother did what she did. Those two legs, the different body and face.... it was still her mama, but why was she so different like this? Would Vira and Eli be able to do that too? Would she? "Brother and sister are sleeping still, aren't they mama?" She did not dare go check in fear of being scolded. Alaine had never been harsh to her. Odette still feared. A floppy white ear was flicked with a twitch of her head and she watched her mother in awe. "How... do you do that? Make... fire, fire right?"

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