J - Hiding in the hills
Haven Manor, 'that's a good name' Zepherus thought to himself, secretly hoping that this place would be exactly what it said, a haven. The pup followed Ehno into the structure, where he was soon led into a room with a fire crackling merrily. He listened attentively as the elder talked about letting him into the pack. The scruffy pup's mouth fell open, he had no idea that Ehno was going to let him join a pack, Zepherus simply thought it was a pity meal, a way to subside the old wolves conscience. Zeph looked around the room with new eyes, 'This could be my home?' he thought 'I can stay here forever, if I want.' When Ehno finished speaking, the pup asked a question, "What kind of responsibilities would I have to do? I mean, I understand that I need to put in my fair share but...I guess I'm just curious." the pup said, then without skipping a beat added, "This place is amazing! I'm so excited that I get to stay here!" he said with wonder, discovering new things about the room every second.

Zepherus suddenly stopped and turned his gaze to Ehno,"Oh, I guess I'm getting ahead of myself, if I'm allowed to stay and accepted by the pack, I would LOVE to live here." He said sheepishly, hoping he hadn't already ruined his chances of acceptance. A few moments later, Ehno signaled for someone else, Zepherus was instantly struck with nerves flowing all through his body. He really hoped they liked him, and that they would accept him. 'I guess we'll just have to wait and see.' He thought to himself as he looked over at the entrance.

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