a kiss for sleeping beauty

The young female left Krystalle in a state of comfort as she settled down to listen. She seem so enamored by the brief explanation, and it warmed the heart of the Latin woman to think there were fairytale girls in her new home, just as there had been in Nakzhi. Anchjo had loved to tell stories to his Children; Krystalle remembered in great detail that he'd always started one of their sessions with words about some princess or another. He was the reason she loved the world of fantasy as much as she did, and the only reason she could write or read.

She could tell with Faryn turned to sorrow and it concerned her; the reason behind the sadness was made clear, and the Latina sympathized. Her own father hadn't been a real father, even if she saw him as a good one. Anchjo was more concerned with Nakzhi as a whole, rather than the individual children within it. Of course, she hadn't experienced what Faryn had. Her father had still been a father, had still told her stories and gave her gentle kisses. She could never have said he didn't like her much, he just didn't love her. A faint cloud of sorrow faded over her pink eyes, but disappeared as quickly as it occurred.

The musings of the golden girl lit up the mutt like Christmas morning. She wanted to learn how to read. "Oh, mija, I could teach you! I love to read, I read lots of things. Everything. All the time. Love to read. You should let me teach you, it'd be marvelous. I promise." Her excitement bubbled over in her words, each syllable taking on a richer Spanish tone. Her tongue rolled at the 'r's and tripped over the sentences in a rapid fire fashion. Once it was done, a tinge of embarrassment colored her face. It seemed a little ridiculous.


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