Argul Seeking Shawchert...
Out of Character

WC: 323 OOC: We can go soooo many different awesome ways with this!! <3

In Character

Shawchert listened to Argul with rapt attention as he spoke of an encounter with Niro, he snorted, when the wolf hybrid mentioned he might reside in Cercatori, Hardly… but he did not answer. He kept quiet to let the man continue his words. The story did not see out of place for the big man as he had his own troubles with the grey boy and though heh had no troubles with the bird he could see it acting on his behalf.

“My apologies about what happened to you. I too have been subject to his anger, though I may have deserved it, it still gave him no right for such an outburst. However to attack you as it were… I’m rather appauled. If you want I can bring this up with the king in Cour des Miracles. We can see to it that justice is brought to you. If you want that is.”

Shawchert said he answered many things within these few sentences itself, and he was not too happy with the Niro wolf, and only tolerated his visits because of Orin. Even the newly forming scars on the man’s back made Shawchert’s blood boil, but he would stay calm in this situation and he shook his head when the man said he’d leave. It was not his fault this happened after all.

“Please do not go because of some over powered bird junky. He does not even reside here, and you were not in any means the antagonist here”

he said, he wasn’t sure he’d allow the Niro guy into his pack lands again and he’d probably tell Orin this soon. Niro was too much of a nuisance for Shaw, he’d had one too many unpleasant run-ins with the wolf. Now he’d possibly attack one of his newest members if they saw each other. An outrage that Shaw wouldn’t be able to hold back to protect them.

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Table by Shannon B


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