A simple game of cat & mouse

Tony's days of confinement in the manor had only just begun. He had been firmly grounded--forbidden from leaving the house, as he learned--when he returned with Mati, Parker, and Cypress, his mother and father fawning over him for a brief moment before scolding him more harshly than Mati had had time to do. He found himself bored, often, and occasionly playing with Lorenzo or Fia were his only reprieves. But he would not chain them as he himself was chained, and so he did not guilt them into remaining in their home. Tony was growing into such the age where he could differentiate between right and wrong fully, as well as some of the tougher emotions. No longer were the lines as blurred as before, nor as black and white. Still, knowing why he was punished didn't mean that he had to like the punishment.

During one of his earlier mornings, Tony had begrudginly awoken to loud pounding noises that he could only assume were the sounds of someone jumping or running around the old halls. He had stretched and made to find out what the comotion was all about, the prospect of something even marginally interesting enough to tempt him from lazing about all the day long. He was not half surprised to see that the only other one up and as possibly active to make the noise was Mati, sitting in front of one of the walls, staring at it. "What'cha doing, Mati?" he asked, plopping himself next to her. He could tell that she wasn't entirely happy with something, although he didn't know exactly what. "Why're you staring at the wall?"

Guardian walks. "Guardian talks." Guardian thinks.

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