Shadows in the Night


Silyva had quite a rush going on. The deers blood filled her sences, blocking everything else from her mind. Bitting down on the deers neck she grabbed herself a nice bloody slice out and scrafed it down. She could feel the blood on her muzzle. She didn't care though. This who she was, a blood craving wolf. A wolf that loved the chase more than the hunt. She loved to take down her prey and watch it's blood pour out slowly. To lap it all up, leaving nothing behind. As she finish her slice she bent down to lap up it's blood. Cooling down her lust, she begain to regain her sences. And with her sences came the pain of her hurt paw. With a small wine she brought it up to her to see. It look kind of crushed. Bloodly and smushed. She snarled in rage at what this deer had done to her. Grabbing it's neck, she shook it back and forth. Blood splilling out everwhere. Lifting her head from her kill she let out a howl of rage. No one better mess with her tonight. Oh how she was in the mood to kill once again.

Turning aways from her meal she went back to retreave her Marten. Oh how Rina would be pleased what she had taken down. The she noticed it. The smell of another wolf. A male. Picking up her pace, she loped off towards where she left her pet. The same direction the male as in. Had he made the noise that almost riuned her kill? Was he the one who took down the other deer? Of corse not! On deer would drop dead like that? How could she be so stupid!? Running now, even though her paw stared to hurt more and more. Was Rina hurt? She prayed to her Goddess that she was safe. Rina was smart. She would never let another wolf take hold of her. No matter how nice they seemed.

As she entered the clearing she seem the male. He was crouched over his kill. Slowing to a quick walk, she let out a loud snarl. "Rina?" She called out, hoping that her loved one would come bounding out.

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