Paw Prints
Quote:OOC~ Happy to have you join Smile

Ears twitched to the sound of the upcoming male, nostrils flared with his scent even before his voice rang out to reach her. Grey feral orbs gazed solemn toward the male who spoke. She tilted her head slightly, eyes blinked twice before answering the male. She was in a strange mood this she wolf was, her stoic persona in which she hid herself was present, but dimmed by other moods that fought for control over her state.

“It’s not that bad,” She said coming to sit upon her hunches, her tail wrapping itself around her forelegs. “And it would be nice if spring would hurry to us.”

She stared blankly at the male who came out of the bushes. She knew perfectly well the scent that arose from him, the scent of a coyote and a member of the local pack. She did not mind the brute; in fact, this coyote was the first she had encounter since being in these lands. All others she had met were wolves and luperci. She tilted her head once again; gray orbs studied the male as mind ticked with thoughts of why her hackles were being lazy. She figured it was because of him being coyote, but soon she came to realize that that was not why. She just did not find this male threatening, but despite that she would keep her wall up or at least try to seem stoic enough.

“Who are you?” She asked allowing a semi growl escape from her throat.

She huffed, remember Deirdre…Don’t be too mean to a member of a pack. She told herself gazing curiously at the coyote male. Her ears lowered against her head; a sign of submission. “I don’t mean your pack harm, if that’s why you’re here.” She began, “I’m just passing by.”

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