M - you throw stones

Word Count → -- :: PP allowed from here on, if you want it Poppz. go ahead, make china's day >Big Grin

A blunt denial of his illness left her short. Could the male not see that he was tormented, his body skeletal and his eyes full of darkness? Had the Earthmother abandoned him too? She felt a familiar echo of grief, deep inside, for the connection she felt weakening with every day. His red eyes beguiled the innocent Snow White, although his voice poisoned her in a way that made her skin wish to crawl from her bones.

Her hand faltered where it had reached for him, and fell back to her side, blushed fingers grasping at nothing. "China," She whispered, blue eyes turned silver in the moonlight, as all light mineral things would. His were red, red as wet blood. "China Rose Lykoi." Daughter of Razekiel Lykoi, granddaughter of the Matriarch herself. What would Kaena do, if she knew that her silver look-a-like was fraternizing so close to the borders? It was not her darkest secret, and the emptiness between her legs proved as such.

She felt the desire to move away from him, but staunched it firmly. He was ill, and needed aid. Perhaps this could be her path back to the love of her Earthmother. "Please, let me help you... I want to." Again the blushing hand would reach for him, her silver form a beacon in the darkness. What was she to know of the monsters that lurked beyond her palace walls? Innocence was a sweet taste upon the wanton tongue.

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