Let the truth be known

ooc...Tell me if you want me to change anything

Amaranth smiled cuddling into Niro well at least they would have a growing family. She looked at him there was so much problems roped in with this but she wasn’t sure that she could do anything about it. She couldn’t help but think about His daughter that was sorta living with them she hadn’t seen the girl in a while but she had talked with her briefly once she wondered what it was that kept her away.

“Niro whats wrong you have to tell me?” She asked looking into those wonderful green eyes that she had fallen in love with. She couldn’t read his mind of how she wished she could. She wanted to spend the whole night talking and getting to spend it with him. Not like his daughter would appear and interrupt.

“Niro I met up with my mom the other day and I told her she told me she would be there for me for us.” She said looking at him. “I’m happy that my mom will be there for me I think I think I can start to forgive her. She looked like she really wanted to be there for me.”


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