[J] A stangers presence--
OOC{ Thank you and nice meeting you Smile I am so exited to be getting started finally. Sorry it took so long to reply. my computer hates me. it freezes when i try to type this ha. this is my 3rd attempt. Also, that 300+ you wrote, is that for the point system?

316 words

A few moments passed as she pondered where she was going to get her next meal. Hunting was difficult her. Without a mother or a pack to guide her when se was young, she taught herself to hunt. Fending for self was difficult. Most prey was to fast for her to catch and is forced to hunt weak or dead animals. Or in the case of the salmon, it would have to come the her.

Of course she would love a pack to call home, to call a family. But no pack will take her. She lacked the skills of hunting, and often left in defeat and failure.

She rose a charcoal-dappled jowl to the air, smelling for the scent of some kind of prey. A scent did make its way to her nose, but it was not the scent of prey, but something unfamiliar. She shot her head around to see creature staring at her. Her tail sank between her legs in slight submission. Her ears though perked forward to stay alert. She had seen her kind before. {OOC, sorry i assume she is in luperis form, please let me know if i need to change it} Standing upright, on two legs, and having elongated digits. Her kind intimated the young wolf.

Her muscles tenced as the luperis spoke. She listened.
"I-I am Lily. I am from the North. I traveled here because the food supply there is very little," she began, "I was just trying to catch a salmon. I am sorry if this is your land. I assumed this land was unclaimed. I didnt smell any scent indicating that this territory was claimed. It's just, It's just, I am so hungry mam," Lily rambled in despiration. When she was nervous, her mouth often said more than it should. Her violet eyes watched the other female. How would the luperis react to her? Is she hostile and ready to attack her? Would she simply scare her off the territory? The wolf braced herself.

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