Vaughan looked up as he heard a female's voice. He saw a female standing on two legs a few feet from him. He smiled. Hadn't he just been wishing for someone to talk to..or annoy? He chuckles at her words, and the way she called him a little boy, as if she were older then him. " Hey there. You must not have noticed, but I'm a big boy, not a little one. Speaking of which. What happened to you little girl? Fall down and hurt yourself?" He did wonder how she had hurt herself. He tried to think of some explanation until he just gave up since he really didn't care that much, he was just happy to have something to keep his interest. Even if it was a smart mouth girl. " You know, you really should be more careful, a little girl like yourself could get hurt really bad. We wouldn't like that now would we? Then someone would have to take care of you. What is a little girl like yourself doing out here all alone anyways? Seems pretty far out for someone as young and little as you." His voice was heavy with sarcasm as he gave her a false sweet smile. He was wondering where she was from, and what she was doing so far out here. He did not think there were any packs around here, or anyone living this far out. He shrugged it off and took a few steps closer to her, then stopped next to a tree and leaned against it.

He looked at her more closely, examining her some. Then he jumped when snow landed on his head from the snow covered branch above. He growled and shook his head until all of it was off. He was getting tired of all this damn snow. Everything was white and cold. He was starting to form a deep hatred of the snow. ever since that snowstorm he had been ready for it all to just go away. He shook himself again and glared all around him at the white world he was in. All of the trees and their branches were covered in it, along with the ground. He sighed and glanced back at the female before looking around again. Well, even if he was surrounded by snow, at least he had someone to talk too now. He would just have to wait until it all melted. He hoped that was soon.

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