This is a Glass Parade

Psh, Savi would probably be upset if he -wasn't- crying XD 500+

It did not surprise her when the tears sprung from her mate's eyes as well, and she did not think an iota less of him for it. Some women may have wanted their man to be a stoic pillar of strength in times like these, but Savina could only think: how could they? Kansas was no less Artemis' parent than she was. Surely his pain had to be as great as her own. It was their little girl that was lost to the world and what parent would not mourn that? What parent would not cry for their child? There was nothing weak about tears. Savina would not have wanted Kansas to hold them back, especially not for her sake. The woman didn't want her mate to be some unmovable stone, she wanted someone she could feel this with. They could lean on each other and there was no need for either of them to try and hide what they were feeling. It was natural. It was real. Not feeling it would be the thing that was wrong.

She felt his fingers on her back and she leaned closer to him, wanting so badly to share his warmth and feel his touch. It was the only thing that brought her any kind of solace in these trying times. The only thing that could dull her ever-buzzing thoughts of both Artemis and Denali to just a gentle hum. Kansas' words might not have been as hopeful as he had tried to make them sound, but they were true. Savina could too easily fall into the trap of thinking of only the worst possible outcomes, dreading them like an inevitable end. That was the same pitfall that she had unwittingly stumbled into in this situation. She feared she would never see Artemis awake again, and never see Denali again period. There was no knowing though, they had no way to see the future. All the could do, the best thing they could do, was just to wait.

When her love spoke next though, there was a genuine warmth to his tone and Savina looked to him wanting to feel that same shimmer of light. He was smiling at her, and it was as if the sun had just come out from behind the iron curtain of clouds that had descended over her life. The Marino woman tried to smile back at him, but it was a weak one at best. Instead, she leaned even closer and wrapped her arms around his chest in an embrace. Her eyes closed peacefully as he nuzzled the side of her face and the tears dried in her thin fur. "I just seems that is the place my mind goes by default. I wish it didn't." It was not something to be envied, and not something she desired. When Kansas gave voice to his beliefs, she looked up at him and then to their daughter, one dark hand resting on his creamy chest. "Maybe she can," she mused. It was a wonderful thought. "I hope she can." Her spirits brightened at the notion. The mother reached down to touch her daughter's hand. "We love you so much Missa, and we'll be waiting right here until you wake back up." Savina looked back up to her mate, a real, stronger smile painted on her features.

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