untouched and intact
As the month of May unfolded upon the lands, the saying "April showers bring May flowers" would seem irrelevant. THis was so because those showers seemed oblivious to the change of the month and had plowed right on through may. Luckily, there had been a short break from the rain and though the gray clouds in the distance warned of its arrival soon enough, Cain would embrace the dryness of it all.

Cain had not established an actual home in the lands of 'Souls as of yet. He had always been something of a rolling stone and was not yet used to the idea of being in one general area for very long. Eventually he'd have to get a permanent shelter somewhere, be it in a free land or among the ranks of a stationary pack, but until then the hybrid wandered aimlessly, sleeping wherever he found himself by the time darkness fell.

Trudging through the Dampwoods, Cain spotted another canine not far off, a leather pack on his shoulders. Taking a puff of his cigarette, Cain called out to the stranger, "Hello, my friend!" The bright blue eyes of the Black canine were lazy, his left eye permanently squinted as the result of a scar. "What might you be doing out here, all alone?" he asked, his voice friendly and upbeat.


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