on the horizon

OOC here: Table & Coding © Fae; Okay so it is going to turn out that these puppies will be miscarried but still she can write something for future puppies or whatever if you want; 505 words

Ouija was glad that the lodge had gotten fixed. Now the heat was trapped back inside again and he could finish up more than one pelt at a time again. He really liked having the multiple projects so that he could always have something to work on. He didn't like not having something to do. Though soon he should go around to a few packs and see if they wanted any of his works. To see if anyone could use what he had accomplished. After all that was the whole reason behind him simply stockpiling the pelts. It was something suggested at a meeting that he had been meaning to do. But then there was the big storm, having to salvage his work, the repairs, and not to mention Addi joining and ending up miscarrying. It had just been one bad event after another. But he was determined to go out soon and see if any were needed or wanted.

Ouija was sitting next to the fire, as he had been doing before the storm came and ruined things, with a pelt on his lap that he was working on cleaning up. He had ended up with a beaver when he had gone out to refill the buckets with water. It was this beaver that he was currently working on. He had already sliced up the meat and had it hanging up to smoke to that it could be made into jerky and saved for later. It was a habit that he did with all he caught. Of course he ate some strips while waiting on them to smoke but mostly he made sure that he would always have some for later.

He was using the edge of the blade to clean away what was clinging to the skin when he heard the knock on the door. "It's open." He called out only to be late in his response as the sound of the door having been creaking open met his ears when he spoke. He glanced up from the pelt that he was just about to drop into a bucket to soak in order to glance back towards the door. "Come on in. Have something to eat." He spoke cheerily and motioned towards the strips of meat. He certainly didn't mind sharing whatever he had. It was just the way he was used to within the cult. He openly shared whatever he had that could be wanted by others. "Not too many visit here if you were looking for someone in particular." After all it was obvious he spent a good deal of time here with his line of buckets for soaking and small pile of completed furs. Of course the furs were of the smaller prey variety, the ones found to be active during the winter. He was trying to make up for some of what had been lost during the storm. And well, just to keep his mind occupied and his hands busy. He just needed something to focus his attention on.

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