Paw Prints
Quote:OOC~ sorry for crappy post, haha. Smile

Deirdre wagged her tail slightly, “Deirdre.” She stated, “I’m called Deirdre.” She gave a small dip of her head and then raised her gaze to study the coyote, “I only assumed you showed yourself to question my reasons for being here.” She said while she gave a small friendly smile, “You smell like a pack male, so I assumed you were a scout or someone scent to check me out.”

“I am a loner close to a pack’s territory after all.” She said grinning.

She tilted her head and then softly spoke, “So…” She began seeming to be out of words. She felt strange in his presence; she felt-well she was not sure how she felt at that moment. The moment for her was strange; she-it was hard for her to describe it to herself. She sighed and shook her head, her fur lifting and then settling back into their places amongst her body. She took her gaze away from Slade to gaze momentarily up at the sky to watch as a single song bird took flight from a branch. She then turned her full attention once more upon him.

She sighed again, “I’m sorry if I seem rude.” She began her gaze hardening only a bit, “I’m not use to others…”

That was the truth. Since the death of those she cared about, she has recently attempted to push all those that she met away. She hated being a loner, but for some reason she could not allow herself to open up to others and be who she really was. She would act crude, distant, and would always snap out at the other, but today she just felt empty. Empty and too lazy to bother keeping her emotional wall up. Her wall she kept around her would begin to slowly crumble away the more she stayed within the presence of this coyote, it would do what it always did when she found herself in the presence of others. She knew, however, that it would fall faster on this day. Today, she just did not care to keep it up.

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