all that we are not

"Lark's got a gift with creatures. They like him."It was always peculiar to be around puppies. Misery was as small as a luperci got, both in height and her always too thin weight. She had never truly recovered physically from Damian's loss, though she looked better these days. Her angles were not so severe, but she was still thin. Looking down on a creature was always fun, since she spent most of her days looking way up at other werewolves. "Just wandering around. Gettin' to know the lay of the land." The caverns were interesting, even if not the ideal home. Misery had a fairly good idea the place would probably get quite damp, and she knew her joints would hate her for it. But family was there and it was worth it.

"Do you know this place well?" Misery was willing to guess Larkspur might have been a bit protective of his pups. At least she hoped he was. Her own children had never fared well - if she wanted to guess, most were probably dead. The idea of that was painful but she didn't let it so. One hand idly touched the melted cross around her neck, a quiet bit of comfort.


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