and ignite your bones - READ ONLY
PP'ed everyone arriving, so we don't have to go through a whole pack thread for just this. ;P

As written here, Jefferson will be running back and forth between AniWaya and Phoenix Valley until April 10 -- this is ICly so that AniWaya has stable leadership for joiners, etc. while Marit (Dawali) is busy OOCly. Again, this is temporary, and Jefferson is not leaving Phoenix Valley, nor stepping down, nor being detitled as Patriarch at all for that pack. While he will be going back and forth between PV and AniWaya, the majority of the time, including nights, he will be here, probably staying with Dawali.

While Jefferson is not a permanent leader for AniWaya (and thank goodness, he'd be so terrible at it), members can call for him if they need a leader. Because he will mostly be in AniWaya, I will also be open for some threads with the members here, but not quite yet (I've got a lot right now).

Any AniWaya-related questions or concerns can be PMed to me OR Marit. I do have moderator controls over the forum, so I can do all the same things Marit can do. ^^

Thanks guys!


It was with a slightly heavy heart that Jefferson climbed onto one of Phoenix Valley's last surviving horses — one that had been traded to the Valley from the western tribal clan — and rode it one-armed out of the territory. He knew he would be making the trips back and forth, long as they were, to check in on his members, but perhaps he needed the vacation anyway. The man had recently lost his arm, after all, and with the destruction of several buildings thanks to the snowstorm, the Patriarch was a stressed individual. Of course, his members would know he was not deserting them. Tala would rule in his stead, reporting to him when he checked in, and all would be fine. For now, as his green eye glanced at Dawali's spirit guide flying alongside him, he knew the AniWayans, peaceful as they were, needed him more.

By horseback, the journey was only a few hours long, but with pauses for the horse to break, the sun had begun its setting by the time the scarred man crossed AniWayan borders without the slightest hesitance. Jefferson first checked in on Dawali and confirmed what the hawk had been trying to explain to him; his assumptions had been right, in that the poor Kalona was for the most part immobile with his wound. Worried to see one of few he called a friend in pain and for such an extended time, Jefferson reassured the Kalona that he would see to AniWaya, and that the red wolf should only focus on healing, resting, and gaining back his strength.

After bringing the mare to a stable with its kin to rest the night, the exhausted Jefferson return to Dawali and helped him outside; the sky was setting into glorious purple and pink shades, and the cold of late winter night was setting in rapidly. He himself raised a howl over the AniWayan territory, one much like the call he had made in his home just hours before, though what faced him thereafter was far different: Like his own Valley members, the creatures that called themselves AniWayan gathered before he and their Kalona, much quieter than his pack. They decorated themselves with paints and feathers, and with confused yet gentle looks in their eyes, they listened when Dawali confirmed all were gathered and Jefferson began to speak.

"My name is Jefferson," the brute began, confidence and charisma in his low, raspy tone, and though exhaustion lingered in his single eye, the Valley Patriarch seemed altogether undaunted by the number of strangers. "I currently lead Phoenix Valley far east from here, between Halifax and Halcyon Mountain. My Valley and your tribe has shared a peaceful alliance for years, and as Dawali has been there for me in times of emergency, so I am here for him. That is why I called you here today.

"I will be staying here for some time, or at least until Dawali has healed up and can take over again. He's in no condition to be moving around right now, and if there was an emergency, I don't know what would happen, so that's why I'm here. If you need someone in charge, you can call for me and I'll be right over."

He was like a horse among oxen, physically and mentally unmatching to the AniWayans' ways, and the more he spoke, the more he became consciously aware of it. "I don't know many of you, I don't know much about your territory and I sure as hell don't have an animal ghost following me around. Let's get one thing straight now: I'm not Dawali, and the Valley's run pretty differently from here. Cut me some slack, teach me what you can, and we'll get along just peachy." Some sort of crooked, forced smile. Damn, he was exhausted.

A glance his shoulder at Dawali, then a shift of gaze back to his audience. "That should be about everything. You got any questions, you stick around. I'll be staying with Dawali since I don't know shit about this place, so if you need either of us, your job's easy."

"All right, it's getting dark and I'm tired as hell from traveling. You're all dismissed."

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