Tangerine trees & Marmalade skies

Kinda weird post. o.o We can fade out soonish, cha? SEXAY GRANDPA!

Taking another gulp of the much different alcohol, she took more notice that the orange-creme male had relaxed; his broad grin struck her as a handsome expression on his aging face, and managed to comfort her always inflamed nervous system, while his sudden shift reminded her that he was a living creature rather than some pretty image to stare at. Her crimson eyes, fashioned from the same ruby as her maternal family, watched Kesho while he examined the worn bed. In truth, it wasn't hers. She hadn't lived in that same room the time before; in fact, she wasn't sure if she'd lived in the mansion for any distinct period of time during her lifetime. It had simply been convenient for her during this cycle, her last and permanent return to the tainted Kingdom that sprawled around her. D'Neville was an easy fix to the problem of being homeless.

The matured male mumbled out words about having never slept on a mattress, and the Lykoi princess cocked one eyebrow upwards. Her assumption was that Kesho had simply never taken to the more humanized lifestyle of his surrounding beings; she'd seen it before, as Gabriel de le Poer preferred to wander in his birth form, but she had never understood the allure of a quadruped body. It didn't offer her the same capabilities as the bipedal figure she most commonly donned. With thumbs, she could paint and sketch and read her journal. With paws, she was incapable. But perhaps Kesho didn't need the same range of mobility that those who adopted a humanized body often enjoyed.

Without forethought, she leaned toward the sprawled body of the older male, resting her chest against his back. One delicate, five-fingered hand brushed across his arm, testing the muscles beneath the fur and flesh out of simple curiosity. Kesho was certainly still fit to protect the territory that depending on him; aesthetically, she appreciated the scars found dappled about his form, as they proved him to be a warrior. A familiar warmth flushed her chest, thoughts turning down the corridors of physical fulfillment. She pressed her cream-hued muzzle against his neck gently. "You're a rather handsome thing, aren't you," she murmured. The obvious blandishments in regards to his physical appearance flowed from her mouth naturally and smoothly, laced with sultry tones that were her trademark.

table by silver; image by marilynjane@flickr

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