around me as i swam, the drifters who'd gone under

Sorry for the wait.

Geneva was relieved that Falgar seemed to have some sort of idea for how to treat Jace. She had very limited knowledge regarding care for illnesses and wounds, outside of very basic components. She was glad to see that Jace was not particularly jumpy around males. Geneva did not know how she would feel if something of that nature happened to her. She only knew that she would not want to be touched. This gave the gray female a great indication of how strong, at least internally, this wolfdog girl was.

For what seemed to be the hundredth time in her life, she thanked her lucky stars to have Ty in her life. Sometimes he was not always level headed; he emoted so many things, seemed to be so deeply connected to everything that he touched. But she could always count on him to help. In so many ways, he felt like her right hand man, but more. Like his father before him, he always seemed to save her, even in the smallest ways.

"He won't do this to you again," Geneva told her softly, lime green eyes tracing the ceiling of the weathered church as she spoke. Her eyes lingered on the rafters as she thought of the black demon. "He will pay for what he has done, but first we must ensure that all are safe. I'll speak with the leader of Lucifer's clan; we will end this."

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