Last friday night

Her new-found non-Cercatorian companion had a sense of humor that Krystalle enjoyed, and she laughed when the dappled woman spoke about losing track of her toes halfway to the pack borders. She tried to stay far from the frigid stuff as she could, but entering the world was a requirement that she had to fulfill daily; the warmer spring couldn't come fast enough for the Latin mutt to be satisfied. Without snow, her world was colored brighter.

The idea of tea seemed to please the younger woman, who dipped her head and smiled at the suggestion. Warm tea would certainly make things nicer. With careful steps, Krystalle lead the Djose woman across Thornbury, closer to the shop and her own home. As she entered, she glanced around; Mars was home, but she could tell he was in his little workshop, and she didn't want to disturb him. A sigh passed through her muzzle as she moved toward the makeshift kitchen. "Feel free to have a seat!" she called, motioning to the small plywood-and-cinder-block table that had two chairs; one for Mars and one for Bartholomew. Now, one was Krystalle's, but she felt strange to take something from one of the personalities. Her white-tipped hands gathered cups to make the warm brew meant to warm up the innards of of the two females. A third cup was produced, found on one of her scavenging treks to the abandoned city of Halifax; she'd made an extra cup for her asocial housemate.

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