
OOC here: Table & Coding © Sie; Works for me

Word Count → 384

A couple of days prior or so he'd been working in the lodge again, or well trying to salvage what he could when he found Shaw working on the roof so he had ended on helping with that. But pretty much he had been staying around the den. Between there and the hunting lodge like usual. After all he couldn't stand having nothing to do but he also didn't want to leave Addison on her own in such an unfamiliar place. And honestly, he was surprised that she hadn't pulled away from him when she had lost the pups. That she hadn't decided to move into town to live with the others now that there was nothing to tie her to him. After all their start had been rocky and it hadn't gotten entirely easy since then.

He did love her and cherish her but he was never too certain when she wanted to be touched. Mostly he waited for her to initiate contact so that he knew it was okay. Things just seemed easier that way. He couldn't go wrong if she were the one to start things. Or at least he hoped so. He still wasn't certain why she was so distant but he knew it was something that she was working through. Still it was something that he could put up with to have another body to share warmth with during the night.

He lifted his head as he heard her voice and smiled. Just the sound of her voice, of her calling his place home, had driven away his worries and concerns. "I'm here." He called out as he got up and moved towards the entrance so that he could reach out to help her in should she need it. "How was your walk? Did you have trouble finding your way back?" After all he had chose this place just for how hard it was to find without knowing exactly where to look. "You didn't have any problems with anyone else in the pack, have you?" Even if she might not be carrying his young any longer he still felt a protective responsibility for her. After all he knew her struggle to allow touch and he didn't want her relapsing after the slight progress that he had made with her.

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