[M] Love blooms like an eternal flower

Temo Wolfe

He was nervous and a bit scared. He did not know what to do. His body was telling him to do something, was compelling him. He did not know why. In all the time he had been traveling with Jace, this had not happened. Temo did not know what to do.

Temo's vision centered on Jace. He did not see anything else, lost awareness of the forest around them. All he could think about was Jace. Her scent was heaven in his nose and his heart throbbed as they leaned closer. He felt an electric shock go through him when their noses touched but he did not pull away. He reveled in her closeness and basked in her glow.

He jerked back slightly, surprised at her licking his nose. It broke the dreamy spell and brought his focus back to her as his soul fell into the pools of her eyes. A small smile grew on his muzzle and he licked her nose back. Their closeness sent shivers down his spine. He licks her muzzle a few times as he moves his front feet closer to her and nuzzles her cheek. His rump raises up so he is standing as he inches closer to her. He nuzzles her neck breathing in her heavenly scent. Having seen it's chance, the animal in him, the animal he kept buried, came forth and starts to take control of him.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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