The Lion's Roar

Set in Whisper Beach! Set today!

J'adore strolled down the man made road in his Lupus form. One paw slid in front of another her he made his way to the main beach. His back was still cut from the glass, and his claimed rape was still playing on his mind. Damn he was gonna kill Alaki. Without firther persuasion he would not speak of the 'episode' with Alaki.

His head hung low as he clenched his teeth, fighting against the pain. His back was covered in deep cuts, most had stopped bleeding but others were still trickling out. He was incredably peeved at the recent days events. He swore he would never speak of this, and he also swore he would kill that git. That rapist.

Of course it wasn't really rape, not when J'adore was so maniputable. It was more taking advantage than anything else. But J'adore had titled it rape and he would never detitle it. At least not in the mood he was in now.

Sitting on the beach made him feel a little better. His fore paws lay away from the tide when it went out, but the liquid covered his paws as it rolled in. He kneaded the sand beneath his paws, contemplating his next move. He watched the surf truckle in and out, bringing in new shells for beach combers.

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