[M] Broken

Word Count: 857
Gah, another long one. Feel free to write a short reply, i just had a muse over-dose here :')

What had started as ‘just a quick hunt’ had turned into so much more. Two days had passed since he’d left the caves and he was only just on his way back to them now. Initially, leaving the caves had been a good thing; he’d managed to sort out his thoughts and regain himself and he also encountered Axelle who was a rather.. interesting character. Up till then, everything had been good, beneficial infact. Then he had to wonder off and bump into J’Adore. His normal reaction to seeing the tan male would be to go straight for his throats, but on this occasion J’Adore had been high and drunk in a hotel and at the time he honestly thought sleeping with him would be a good way of pissing him off and getting his own back.

Bloody stupid idea that was. His hands flew to his head, grasping it as if by doing so the events would be erased. Sadly, nothing could change the fact he’d slept with J’Adore. “Of all the mother fuckers I could fuck, it had to be him” he let out a groan. Regret didn’t begin to cover how he felt about his actions, aswell as dread; he hoped to dear god he didn’t see J’Adore any time soon.

The timing didn’t help; the day before he had finally decided to confront his feelings about Selene instead of simply stalking her and holding onto his one-sided love. Then, he went and slept with that bloody idiot. Great move there, smooth. Real smooth.

Since the avalanche, he’d found himself unable to face Selene. Admittedly, before it he was merely keeping and eye on her as her self-harming worried him. After seeing her in the avalanche he came to realize that he liked her, a lot and with that realization he found himself watching her, stalking her; to make sure she never came to harm again. During this time he’d kept his distance, for he blamed himself for her getting caught in the avalanche; he should have been with her, he should have stopped her leaving the caves. Because of that failure he felt himself un-worthy of being by her side and so he believed he could only watch her from a distance.

Now that he’d spent some time away from the caves; he had come to realize how ridiculous he was being. And that being hung up on Selene wasn’t doing him any good and so he would tell her how he felt and either get accepted or rejected and get on with his own life… was the plan at least.

His avoidance and delay of returning of the caves was, without a doubt, because of J’Adore and his decision to tell Selene how he felt. But he couldn’t avoid going home forever and before him he could see one of the cave entrances. Butterfly churned in his stomach as he got closer and closer, his steps grew smaller and smaller and his stride slowly lost the usual confidence it emitted.

Up ahead, a white figure caught his eye, setting the butterflies in his stomach to a full-on military assault. What was Selene doing leaving the caves? He hadn’t seen her leave them much recently. Curiosity sparked within him and so he followed her; keeping his presence hidden.

It didn’t take long for him to deduce where she was heading and what she planned to do. You See?! This is exactly why he’d found himself compelled to keep an eye on her. The moment he turns away, she’s off going to cut herself.

Silently he watched her walk into a cave. He stopped shy of the cave, needing to gather his thoughts together. If he went in there, there was no going back..

Turning into the cave the sight before him brought him to a halt. Without a second’s hesitation his lips pulled back, his hands clenched into a fist and the familiar low rumbling growl ripped its way out of his mouth. To say he was pissed was an understatement.

“Why?” The question hung in the air. No matter what angle he looked at the situation from, he couldn’t understand why Selene felt the need to self harm. To him, she was simply perfect: nothing she did or was seemed to be bad enough for her to hate herself they way she did. Thus, he stood there, tensed up and growling; for that was all he could do. Dark emotions had over whelmed him, anger being the most prominent one. He wasn’t angry at Selene, heck; he didn’t think he could ever be angry at her. He was just angry.

Despite his raging emotions, he knew he couldn’t just stand there and gape at her and so he stormed over to her and snatched the broken shard from her and threw it to the ground. All the while, his continued growling releasing his anger and slowly calming him down.

Once he wad sure he wasn’t going to loose his temper, he carefully choose his words. “God DAMMIT Selene. Why?! What the hell do you think you are doing?”

Yup, carefully chosen words.

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Table By Alli


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