she called it her future

OOC here!

J'adore didn't mind Princess' questions. She was merely curious and that was no crime. J'adore wasn't a secritive man, he was open and honest because that was the best way to be. 'She's coming over to AniWaya soon, I think. I don't know when though, I don't care she can take her time, it's choice' J'adore's eyes turned to the floor and back up again, he shook his head lightly and sighed, 'I won't push her'.

J'adore frowned, 'I hold a generous position in AniWaya, I did not want to loose it'. The Spaniard had only realised how selfish he sounded after the words fell from his maw. Covering it up he added, 'It seems selfish but...' he shrugged, it was selfish full stop, but the fact was Valinta had not progressed any higher in her pack since their encounter, yet J'adore had. He did not want to loose it. It would be too difficult form him to do. He had joined the tribe skeptical of their ways, but seeking a calm pack. As he stayed there longer he became more entwined with their ways and religion. He had to stay their for various reasons.

'Sometimes I consider going back to Spain but again for the same reasons I never do'. His muse was laced with sorrow and remorse, with his face still held a soft smiled.

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