Take me away to my past
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/p ... ih-1-1.jpg); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

As the older male spoke Jazpers eyes widened. How could this be? Dierdre had never spoken of the father of her pups befor. Was it realy this wolf infront of him? If so what did that make him in relation? He lowered his head in a bow, "Excuse me sir but I am not Deuce's son." He spoke calmly even though his paws were itching to shuffle and his body eagar to move, he sat still. The only thing he moved was his tail which shifted with a sweep across the dirt ground. "I have never heard of you myself. I am...Dierdre's son. She found me on the boarder of Jaded SHadows a couple of mounths ago and took me in as her own."


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