Why do we fall? [AW]
Sorry for the wait <3

He knew. She could see that he knew, it showed in his eyes and he wanted to know who it was, the question lingered in his expression. She closed her eyes for a second and sighed internally, soon everyone would know and her shame would be complete, the knowledge that she was weak and could not fight off a male. Someone who was a danger to the pack and its members, she remembered the leering way he had looked at Ookami and his sick words, neither male nor female were safe from him. Her ears barely registered that he had said no payment was needed and somewhere in her mind she made a mental note to make him a necklace or bracelet or some other small token of her appreciation for his kindness

She followed when he said to, keeping pace with the longer legged creature although it pained her somewhat to do so, her breathing becoming slowly more harsh. They traveled in silence although Jace did not feel it was awkward, she was comfortable with this man, he was a healer, someone who helped those in need. She also wondered if he was someone else who should know, she glanced a look sideways at him, he looked as though he could take Lucifer on and win. Again she sighed although this time it was out loud and gave him the answer he wanted,

"It was Lucifer." That was all she said. He would know what she meant and not saying any more allowed her to save some of her pride, even if it was not undamaged but broken, bent and bruised. The hybrid woman held her head up high, there was some pride in the fact that she had escaped and that she had taken a chunk of his shoulder meat with her.

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