[M] SNAP!!
The way Alaki spoke to them gave him the shivers. It was getting worse by the second, and the lighter watrrior had clearly lost it already. He had to do something. If not, Alaki would surely get lost on that insanity.

He managed to hit him on the stomach, but the younger wolf managed to escape his grip. Again. At least this time, he let go of his weapon, the Japanese blade lying right in front of Liev's feet. Before the Russian could turn around to get the owner of the fallen sword, it had already made his way for J'adore. A punch and a swipe on the AniWayan's legs, and the both of them were on the ground, the warrior using his weight to pin the tan male on the ground, eager hands strangling the Spaniard.

He managed to loosen slightly Alaki's hold on his throat, and begged for the Russian to stop him. It surely was more of an order than anything else, but the warrior didn't really minded it anymore. All he wanted was for all of this to stop!

J'adore amanged to claw the other Anatheman's belly and push him away with his feet, but before he could get his knife, Liev embraced Alaki's waist and pushed him away. It worked. The both of them rolled on the soft snow for a second before he was able to pin the other down on his belly. Swiftly, the skilled warrior held back his arms above his head, enlacing his hands together. He tugged on his arms just the enough for the pain of the forcing joints make him understand this was for real.

"Alaki, please stop. Nobody have to die here. Just stop... Please, I beg you..." The Russian whispered lowly on his ear. "We'll get your necklace back. You heard him; J'adore is no thief. He simply took your broken necklace and fixed it." He said, trying his best to calm the darker man beneath him.

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