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Ayita to the rescue.


Ayita smiled down at her son who had grown so much he begged not to study today he didn't want to look at books or practice anything but ayita would get him to practice something to day. Blue eyes glistening in the sun what little made it through the clouds and graced the earth with the light and warmth everyone needed.

"Liam dear I think we will go to the beach and enjoy some time there we can go to see your sister amaranth." She said smiling her daughter dear god her first girl was having pups and starting her own family. "Yay mommy I'm so happy I'm sick of being so bored." He said smiling as he smelt the freash sea air as the approached the sea.

Ayita smiled happy to see him like this not moping for his brother maybe she needed to spend more time outside with him and less in the books. She wished that Noah would stay home more to spend time with her but he was a daddy's boy and she couldn't change that. "Now Liam stay where I can see you alright you can run around all you like but I need to see you." She said. No sooner had she finished the statement but the bi eyed boy smiled and yelled so childish call and was bounding onto the sand.

Shaking her head lightly she smiled. Amaranths home was further down the shore they would get there at sometime there was no rush to get there they had all day. She smiled looking around where did he go. She couldn't take her eye's off that boy and she told him to stay in sight. "Liam!"She yelled.

Liam looked at this little girl just laying there. Ears swiveled back at the sound of his mothers voice. "Mama Mama! Come quick!" She called back.

Ayita ran after the sound of her son's voice. Ayita had become swift and made it to him further down the beach. "Liam dear what is it... She ran over to the little pup laying in the sand in this little nook. "Hello dear how did you get here?"


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