When was the last time you saw him?

His gaze still on the magnificent sword that she held, the young scarred pup did not see Halo's smile, the symmetry and pure beauty of it had him transfixed and he felt as though it was calling to him, begging him to reach out and touch its beauty. Of course he would never seek to enrage the woman that held it by brazenly touching her property without her express permission. When she didn't immediately tell him no or stomp him into the ground for daring to ask her something he felt a glimmer of something he had almost never felt before; hope.

'Perhaps Now the sword was pulled away from him and replaced back into its protective sheath by the dangerous femme and he almost wanted to protest against it being hidden away, something that extraordinary should be shown off to everyone but he held his tongue and his thoughts and gave the sword one last wistful look before listening with rapt attention to the woman, suddenly realizing she had not introduced herself.

Her words made him straighten his back and lift his ears and much as he could as he looked up at the female, the not looking directly into her eyes was almost built in to him now just during their time together and so it was automatic to him. His eyes hovered about her neck and jawline occasionally flitting up to catch her expression.

”I wont take just anyone, you know” He nodded his head vigorously at her words, his one over sized ear flapping about his head. Then came her question and he felt as though his decision here would alter her perception of him for either worse or better,

”Would you like to be a warrior when you grow up?

"Nothing would honor me more, Ma'am" He meant his words and it showed in the conviction in his voice, serving Inferni as its protector would be... He shivered internally, this was where his life would lead him, of that her was certain.

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