We all follow the leader...
The Aquila showed no sign that anything out of the ordinary and Makhesthai rubbed at his head tiredly, he felt drained and weakened now although he did not show this to the leader, the sudden lack of energy scared him a little and he wondered if later he should go hunting to find some food to fill his stomach, he could bring some back for Kaena as well if she was around. He nodded at Gabriel's words, it was nothing less than what he had expected really and a small smile came to his lips that he could prove to be of some use by kind of arranging some teaching already,

"Yes sir, I will do the best I can. And the woman with the red star on her chest and the beautiful swords, she said that when I was bigger if i showed promise then she would show me how to train with them and use them in combat." He looked down for a second, the coyote woman who he didn't know was Halo was placed almost into his heart now, like Kaena, she would look out for him and help him. His tail wagged a little. Now the Aquila stood up and Makhesthai rose to his knees, keeping his head lower than the doggish hybrid's, this meeting was obviously drawing to a close and he did not wish to take up more of the leader's valuable time,

"Thank you Sir, for letting me stay here, it is an honor to be part of Inferni." He bowed his head to the man who shared Kaena's eyes.

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