The season is arriving

[ooc] -- i thought you'd be there.

Okay, so I will give Hanna the herbalist and Mew the musician as soon as this thread is wrapped up. I think for now I am leaving Cer without a co-rank, Slay do you want Hunter or no? You don’t need to pick one, but if you do want anyone it’s yours Smile, just say so. I want to make sure you want it OOC’ily if Slay isn’t sure IC XD. We can probably wrap this thread up soon, yeah?

holding daisies, counting stars. -- [bic]

Cer turned to Mew and smiled, nodding as if to say of course. That was interesting to learn that Mew could indeed play instruments. Cercelee had never really seen an instrument, and although she sang the petite female had no real voice for it. Although her speaking voice was lovely, when sing Cercelee could only be described as mediocre at best. Navy eyes appraised Mew, and although she had not heard the older female sing or play, a slight tinge of jealousy washed over her. Well, at least that co-rank would be filled, someone could amuse them with music if Cercelee could not accomplish the feat herself. Giving Mew a friendly and encouraging nudge, Cercelee turned back to Slay, ready to try her hand at the banter again.

Truthfully she was ecstatic at his comeback, remarking on his small figure and her light hearted games. How could she top that? Smiling, her voice taking a new tone, a little devilish but still mirthful, looking them all in the eye so they knew it would be a joke. Well someone had better give me some pups to watch then, and seeing as Slay is the only male in the pack, obviously he has to play the daddy role, right? Cer smiled again at Slay, her eyes lighting up, if she had eye brows they would have raised as if to say “If hunter’s not enough responsibility for you, how would procreate be?” Well then Slay, you up to that challenge? Cer’s tail waved behind her, daring Slay to take the roose one step further, hoping that he would back down and she would “win” the round of banter.


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