M - you throw stones

Word Count → -- :: derp

He replied in such a slick tone, so foul as it rolled off of salivating tongue that it sent her skin into shivers of repulsion. This was not how helping was supposed to make her feel. Maybe the gratuitous end would come after the deed was complete? Her greediness for the self-fulfilled feeling was driven by this thought, and as her cool palm was clasped by his, the china doll was smiling hollowly.

Moonlight lit his face like a twisted jack-o-lantern, and those red eyes burned her skin where they looked. Insides twisted pathetically, writhing through the stillness of her body as though to break free. But, as frail as he may have looked, the man's grasp was made of iron forged in the pits of his own sacramental hell.

She found herself unable to break free, although the fear that bubbled within her bloodstream had yet to break free, had yet to send her body into spasms of response. The smile was plastic on her face. "Your grip is hurting me," She whispered, a breath through clenched teeth. He smelt like decay, and she resisted, tugging back slightly on the hand that drew her nearer.

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