Bloody and beaten soul.
As Amata cleaned his shoulder, Leon sighed in relief. He had retained his sanity. As she cleaned it, he merely watched carefully. The dexterity she had with her hands amazed Leon, who looked down to his own right hand, which he curled into a fist, then uncurled and curled them separately, his fingers awkwardly twitching and uncurling at random. He glared down at his hand, feeling like a pup again. 'Its like learning to walk again.' He thought, closing his hand into a shaky fist again. He relaxed his hand and lowered it to his side once more, turning to Amata as she pulled up the needle.

"Well, I've been cut, bruised, beaten, and chewed. And I think I'm more worried about that needle." He chuckled, flinching when his side flared up. With a soft breath out, he watched her sew his flesh together, wondering if the scar would remain as noticeable. When she finished and cut the string, Leon slowly raised his arm, carefully testing his flexibility. It didn't seem like it would prevent him from Moving as he pleased.

When Amata began cleaning the wound on his left side, Leon felt a jolt go through his body, forcing him to look straight ahead, his breath catching. As his breathing returned to normal, Leon allowed his body to relax again. He could feel what was left of his strength seeping away every second. Or it could be blood, but he didn't know. He focused on the womens face as she spoke, watching her different colored eyes again. They made the male curious, as he never found out how that trait arose in wolves. He had seen it only a few times while living with his family, but it always amazed him.

As he thought again of the guinea pig that had died, he remembered the red eyes and strange cloak the other wolf had, blazing it into his memory. His ears perked when she mentioned that he had done the right thing. He was ready for the two wolves to criticize him for his morals, but was pleasantly surprised by her statement. With a smile, he closed his eyes. "Thank you Amata. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks so." He said, his voice sincerely grateful. "I'm just sorry that I ended up failing either way." He opened his eyes and looked at his wound on his side.

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