And just when your heartbeat failed
Stunned, he stopped, looking at the female; eyes wide as she spoke to him. At first he had no response, and his mind raced. He wasn’t expecting this, or this type of reaction. He had to play shocked, hurt and act generally dismayed that he got blamed for this. Putting on his best face, and should be surprisingly good at it. He has been murdering most his life and gotten away with nearly all of them. And he was no youngin’. He was slightly surprised as he was able to force a lone tear to drip down out of his eye and wet his fur on his upper cheek. He smiled inwardly at his skill, wondering if he has actually gotten better.

His mouth began to open to reply to the angry female, Sky, as he saw Shaw come out of his house. He snapped his mouth shut and watched Shaw, studying his reactions. He had to work to keep his hurt look on his face. He nodded politely as Shaw spoke to him and then he spoke to both. Sky's threats didn't really effect him. No not someone who could murder a pup and eat it, but he kept the surprised and hurt visage on for the sake of his 'game' with Shaw.

“I am glad to see no one is hurt, then?” He asked, half a question, half his own observation. “I have no idea who would do such a thing, nor have any knowledge on one who could be as bold and loathsome to do such a detestable act to your home. If I had known, I would have fought on your behalves or, at a minimum, given you what information I known.” He knew Shawchert seemed to like this respective behavior and the way he talked, but he was unsure of Sky. He regarded Shaw almost as if he was a king and therefore would treat Sky as a queen. He was hoping this wouldn’t cause further problems, but he did not know her well enough.

“Might I offer a hand in helping to clean this… mess?” He slightly smiled, keeping the twinge of sadness in his look and voice. The question was asked to Shaw but focused towards Sky - Argul was trying to show good manners and noble thoughts by not intending a female to have to deal with a scene like this. He stood gripping his bracer, he didn’t feel it was quite right to offer the gift to Shaw until the female has cooled off and things calmed down a bit.

His mind began to formulate and calculate as he looked at Sky. She could be his next way to hurt Shaw. He wasn’t sure how just yet, but he knew he wanted to befriend her for now. There could be good opportunities to use her. Even if it wasn’t a killing, there were things that could cause pain and grief in Shaw’s life that did not deal with death. But, he thought to himself, she would be a fine creature to cause some pain to, to cut her open as well. He quickly threw those thoughts out for the moment; he had to focus on the tasks at hand.

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