there in your dreams

She watched his face darken as she spoke. She flicked her ears back, wishing that she could just stop herself from rubbing him wrong every time they crossed paths. She was tired and sorry for all the ill will between them and the constant tension when they stumbled upon one another's trail. "Ahren.. I'm sorry.." She wasn't sure how many times she'd said that in her years, or how many more, but it was so ingrained in her that she couldn't stop the words. She didn't mean anything by her words, but she couldn't change who she was.

When she said Laruku's name she noticed the sudden light that seemed to return to his face, the dark wash bleeding away as he spoke. She flinched slightly as he finished speaking, realizing that she wasn't needed or wanted in the picture. Smiling slightly she raised her eyes to stare into his, ignoring the tug of sympathy for Ahren's lose as she spoke "I'm glad...." she said, her voice trailing off for a moment before she swallowed and continued. "That he was someone." She knew she wasn't alone anymore, she had her children, but she missed the company of friends and family. Laruku was never really a friend, and their family connect was the truth-you can't choose your family, but she'd hoped that he wouldn't mind her returning.

She looked out into the dark lands as she thought for a moment before repeating her thoughts outloud. "Watch over him Ahren... He did that much for me, and more." She knew she couldn't make the blonde do anything, but it wasn't a demand, just a request. Laruku had done so much for them all and hadn't ever expected anything in return. She wasn't so sure what was happening to him anymore but she didn't want him to fade away like so many others had.

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