New Paths
Mizu smiled, "Fair enough. I am Mizu Kuin by the way. But you can just call me Mizu." Mizu listned to what the pup had to say. She didn't know of this Edusti Tsugi but she was sure she could help with the medical supplies and such. "Well, I don't know who Edusti Tsugi is but I can help you get some herbs and things." Mizu thought for a moment. It had been a while since she had collected herbs. Actually just recently she had found a stash of what she had been searching for for a while. Horse Chestnuts. She had been quite busy lately. She hoped she could still remember what herbs did what. If not she could always pull out her books.

Mizu laughed at the young wolf's questions. "I have a few herbs and two books in here. Oh! And also a jar of medicane." She smiled sweetly. This young pup seemed nice and inquisitive. Hmm.. Just like Mizu was. She would be more than happy to teach her about medicine and anything else she asked for. It had been a long time since Mizu had actually done some good.. now would be a good time to make up for it.

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