Out of the question!
Ima living it up, eh??

He laughed a little at the remark to his cheery comment then suddenly, he fell silent again and watched as the other put on a record that he said was from the king. Who was this king? His eyes looked up and he listened to Gotham go on about the musician. The record let out some static, and then suddenly the music started and his ears went up in amazement. The music was something he hadn't heard. "..I'm not from a rock, brother, but I haven't ever heard this before.." He was very familiar with musical instruments but he wasn't very familiar with old human music and this was obviously old human music. It was cool though and he found himself grinning to it. Then his head began to bob to it some. "I like it..a lot.." He laughed some then the next song came on. Green green grass of home

Aro's eyes looked over to the record, "Oh man....this makes me wish it was summer...green grass.." Then he laughed as he thought of something else that was green, "...do you smoke?" He asked curiously as he pulled out a rolled up joint. "..if not, that's cool, I'll put it away..."

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