[DND] The Storyteller

OOCtasties: Yeah, Vali doesn't really use any other form anymore. XD i thought her rawr would be funny. Hope you don't mind Gunnar's with her.

Valinta winced slightly when Slade gave Gunnar a less-than-happy look. It became obvious to her that he didn't really like puppies. Well. she thought. I'll have to change his mind, then. She smiled apologetically at the coyote in front of her when he turned to her.

"I'm really sorry about that, Slade." she said regretfully. "Gunnar doesn't usually do that. But we were playing... I was chasing him and he hit you running from me. It's my fault, I'm very sorry." The woman was completely serious. It was her fault. She had told Gunnar a scary story, then pretended to be a monster. Of course the little boy was going to run! Any sane child would!

"This is your son?" Valinta heard Slade's question and nodded vigorously. "I found him on the beach. His mother froze to death during the storm." The woman hoped against hope that he wouldn't ask about her pregnancy. It was a while ago, but still fresh and painful in her mind.

Gunnar, while Valinta was thinking about Gloria, was nodding. "Mother wanted me to be strong. She didn't eat so that I could." he said calmly. He, it seemed, also figured out Slade's opinion of puppies, and didn't like it. So instead of being the nice, bubbly pup he usually was, Gunnar was being extremely frosty to the coyote, something that surprised Valinta immensely.

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Table by Bumble.

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