I need my friends, family, everyone

She felt Falgar's neck lay down on top of hers and then almost as quickly removed again and felt a flush of gratitude warm her veins. He was sad, enormously so yet he still found it within himself to try and comfort her and for that she was thankful to him. She tilted her head and wiped the tear away with her paw, tears would get her nowhere and fast. They were useless. She lifted her head up and brought her ears forwards so that they weren't placed flat against her skull but instead hung to each side with the curled over tips dangling limply.

She watched as the sable scarred male pointedly stayed a short distance away from them...her, giving her space. He had his good eye turned towards her as though keeping a protective guard over her. She looked back at Falgar and though they the two males were like her personal guard, a thought that made her smile a bit. Now that she really looked and took notice she realized that one of Noah's eyes was the exact color that Lucifer's were although they were nothing alike in content. Where Lucifer's contained only hate, lust and selfishness, the Phoenix Valley male's was filled with caring and worry for her.

She looked at Noah with her head tilted to the side and then looked up at the sun that was shining brightly in the blue sky. This would be her first summer away from the arctic and she silently mourned for the loss, summers in the arctic were brief but glorious times, where everything exploded into life and feverishly tried to reproduce as fast as it could. Down south here life was slower and more at ease, the snowstorm proving it. In the arctic the snowstorm that had devastated the lands wouldn't have even made people blink. As the silence stretched out between the three Jace sighed and again looked to Noah,

"You can come and sit with us Noah, if you want?" Her voice was soft and quiet, she didn't want to annoy the man.

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