Footprints in the sand

Word Count→383

The chill of the water only became more prominent as she found herself back in the cold air; Winter was not her season, and even though it was fading into Spring, the cold made its mark in her days. She couldn't wait for it to be over, though she wondered if she'd be around to see such a turn of events. After all, she had gone to the coast in order to end a life that held no current meaning, to commit a grievous sin that would certainly send her to the place she expected her Soul would remain after a natural death anyways. All thoughts of death left her as the stranger spoke, however, asking what she was doing in the water. She'd catch her death. Yes, that's the idea. The Lykoi laughed at her own internal joke, approaching with all the caution of an anxious enemy.

It was clear enough that he wasn't from Dahlia de Mai, but he was still a wolf. Crimson eyes passed over features, taking in the feathers woven through a dark hawked mane, fixing on green eyes, catching sight of golden earrings. "I was going to drown myself. It only makes sense that I enter the water, cold as it is," she whispered. Where once she had gained new voice, able to speak clearly and confidently to the members of Inferni or otherwise, she had lost it yet again. The words spoken by Gabriel de le Poer had left the deepest scars, more so than any other moment in her past; even marks given by Andrezej had healed over, while Gabriel's voice left still-bleeding wounds on her heart. She had failed him, had only proved to be a Massacre when she had wished to remove that part from her world.

A saccharine smile appeared on creme lips as she reached her destination, standing still only a few feet from the male. "It's a bit cold to be aimlessly wandering the beach, dear prince. Unless you have purpose for your presence?" The question was easy, purely for informational purposes rather than to interrogate. While she didn't believe in anything as ridiculous as kismet or predetermined paths in life, she did take to faith when it came to people being in the right place at the wrong time.

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