romeo, save me

Word Count → 637


Mars listened. If there was anything good about the man, he was a good listener as both Mars and Bartholomew. Bartholomew was just the one who you'd get more words out of, less questions. Mars had more questions than words to comfort others, or words to be funny. He could be charming at some points in time, The Mars part of him, but Bartholomew was so much better at it, so much more comfortable with it. Mars was awkward about it, which was why he had failed many times to be charming to the woman, unless she thought little things like him making tea for her without asking, or for him to do random things for her was charming, then he would be right on track. At the words of the woman, she spoke of Bartholomew "sleeping" with people. To his knowledge, Bartholomew had not slept with anyone, much less did Mars bed anyone. Whoa, wait. Bartholomew sleeps with people, like...fucking, then sleeping with people? the man asked, a rather confused look forming over the Russo's normally blank face. If Bart slept with others, then Mars could have kids that weren't really his. Not his mentally. Physically, obviously, but not mentally. Bart would have ruined things if he had slept with others too often. It'd mean that Mars was no better than his father. Fucking girls and then leaving. Possibly having tons of illegitimate kids running around with whatever name Bartholomew decided to tell the woman he had, weither it be Cubbins or Russo. It was more than likely going to be Cubbins, if not some made up name that Bartholomew passed as one night.

She spoke on about how she could love him. All of him. She said that she felt wrong without him around, that everything was right when he was around, that she missed him pretty much. It was weird to have someone actually miss the Russo man simply because Mars was never supposed to be missed. He was barely even supposed to exist. Why he did exist was beyond him. His mother should have just killed him off, punched her stomach just a little bit harder so that he'd be born dead along with his other dead siblings. If he didn't exist, then he wouldn't have had to be in this situation at the moment. If he hadn't existed, then he wouldn't have had to deal with any of this. He would have just had to deal with whatever afterlife there was, if there was any at all. Mars did not particularly believe in an afterlife. He pretty much thought that when he was dead, he was worm food. When it was over, it was all over. That's probably what he'd always believe. Not unless he could be persuaded. It'd take a lot to do so though.

You are a good friend too. the man spoke to her, his words were slightly careful, almost unknowing of what exactly to say next. He'd long from stopped strumming the guitar, simply because be was thinking now. He was thinking hard about her declaration of her love for him. Mars looked at his guitar absently before his mind would decide it was time to ask more questions. Did...Did he sleep with you Krystalle? the man slowly asked, not knowing what else to say after this question. He found that he was on the fence with Krystalle. Part of Mars yearned for Krystalle, yeah, but Mars justified this as Bartholomew's desire to be with her. He did not admit to it being him who wanted to be with her, which was why it was so easy to just leave her behind in California. He figured she was handy enough to handle herself (which she obviously did very nicely) and that she would find something, someone else.

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