Dead Will Rise

OOC here: Table & Coding © James; Awwe, you didn't really have to. It was just a random thought

The boy stared at the swaying cross as it was presented to him. Though once the other had begun to speak He found himself focusing on Samael once more. Though the words had him quickly whining again. "No, don't leave." He spoke up before thinking about it, before thinking about how it might be perceived. He just didn't want the other going anywhere. He didn't want to be left alone again.

"Can't die." He shook his head forcefully. "No. No one kill." He hadn't known the other for any great length of time at all but he knew that he didn't want to lose the only one to have shown any sort of interest in him. After all the other had claimed him so he couldn't lose him already.

The coyote child watched as the rosary was place around his neck, a cherished gift from his personal angel. He continuously glanced between the religious relic, along with the movement of that man's fingers, and up to his face and lips as a prayer was spoken. He wasn't sure if he was meant to mimic the other or not but ended up repeating the words anyways. "Remissionem peccatorum, carnis resurrectionem, vitam aeternam."


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